Monday, June 23, 2008

July 2007 : Mostly Italian Prog...

In great anticipation for her upcoming holiday in Italy (with friend, co-director of Bad Date, and former Aquarius Records employee, Sadie Shaw) AC suggested to Allan that they emphasize Italian artists. Allan agreed. We also had a gig to DJ at a pizza party in SF but I'm not sure if anyone went there for us or for the pizza...

PLAYLIST for July 2007:

NEW TROLLS, "1st Tempo: Allegro", Concerto Grosso No.1, 1971, Italy
LE ORME, "Aliante", Contrappunti, 1974, Italy
HRVATSKI, "Plancton", Various Artists, What's Your Function? A Tribute To Franco Battiato, 2004, USA *
GUNTER SCHICKERT, "Wald", Samtvogel, (self-released) 1974, Germany
GOBLIN, "Profondo Rosso", Profondo Rosso OST, 1975, Italy
GOBLIN, "Gemini", Tenebrae OST, 1982, Italy
GOBLIN, "Slow Circus", Tenebrae OST, 1982, Italy
CLUSTER, "Helle Melange", Curiosum, 1981, Germany
TETRAGON, "Jokus", Nature, 1971, Germany
SAND, "Helicopter", Golem, 1974, Germany
PAUL BRADBURY, "Professor Fuddle's Fantastic Fairy Tale Machine", Professor Fuddle's Fantastic Fairy Tale Machine, 1973, Canada
RAINBOW FFOLLY, "Hey You", Sallies Fforth, 1968, UK
DANNY BEN-ISRAEL, "A Different Song", Bullshit 3 1/4, 1970, Israel
FLAMEN DIALIS, "Decouverte", single, 1978, France
SENSATIONS' FIX, "Spacer Energy Age", Fragments Of Light, 1974, Italy
ADELBERT VON DEYEN, "Moonrise", Nordborg, 1979, Germany
JACULA, "Magister Dixit", In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum, 1969, Italy
MADE IN GERMANY, "In The Hell", Made In Germany, 1971, Germany
ELECTRIC SANDWICH, "Nervous Creek", Electric Sandwich, 1972, Germany
HAZE, "Peaceful Nonsense", Hazecolor-dia, 1971, Germany
CIRCUS 2000, "You Aren't Listening", An Escape From A Box, 1972, Italy
FRANCO BATTIATO, "Meccanica", Fetus, 1972, Italy
EROC, "Nebelwelt", Eroc II, 1976, Germany
MANUEL GOTTSCHING, "Quasarphere", Inventions For Electric Guitar, 1975, Germany
MANUEL GOTTSCHING, "Pluralis", Inventions For Electric Guitar, 1975, Germany
TETRAGON, "Fugue", Nature, 1971, Germany

* The original "Plancton" can be found on Franco Battiato's album Pollution, 1973, Italy

LISTEN to the show here

Related video:

A section of scenes from Dario Argento's 1982 horror film, TENEBRAE.
Soundtrack by GOBLIN.

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